9:00 - 33.6 millas / una hora 7 minutos - 10:07
Near the highest point on The Energy Loop: Huntington/Eccles Canyons Scenic Byway (9,822 ft.) travelers will pass a pull-out for a dramatic view of Sanpete Valley and the Great Basin. On one side of the road, travelers will be able to view the Fairview Lakes. On the other, layers of mountains finally give way to a glimpse at the valley below. The silhouettes of the mountains in the foreground and the background of the view offer an amazing feeling of depth and definition. It seems like the sky and its clouds go on forever. The overlook is located at the western edge of the Wasatch Plateau where the climate becomes alpine. Visitors may catch a glimpse of a hawk as it glides to a faraway meadow. This pull-off is on the Byway and offers expansive views of the Sanpete Valley with an unsettling past dating from 1849. Conflicts between white settlers and the native Utes resulted in the loss of a native culture and the rise of a new grazing and ranching culture. Travelers will want to stop for a few photos and a breathtaking picture of nature and history.
10:22 - 48.2 millas / una hora 36 minutos - 11:58